A groundbreaking webinar exploring the experiences of mothers and their children who require cannabis medicines to manage their conditions.
The Royal Society of Medicine is proud to announce a collaborative event in association with Integro Medical Clinics, exploring the potential of cannabis medicines in the field of pain medicine in the UK.
UK Fibromyalgia, Integro Clinics, Primary Care Cannabis Network, CPASS and PLEA are proud to present this collaborative two-part webinar discussing fibromyalgia, arthritis and cannabis medicines.
A groundbreaking webinar exploring the experiences of mothers and their children who require cannabis medicines to manage their conditions.
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body and can completely destroy the patient’s quality of life. Many Fibromyalgia patients report it is the lack of ability to sleep properly that leads to the horrible brain fog, fatigue and ensuing depression that is one of most unpleasant symptoms of the condition.